Teaches children how to interact with strangers and can be tailored to different age groups. Includes defining what constitutes a “stranger” and what to do if approached, through role-playing and instructional materials.
Finding your lost/stolen bicycle, e-bike or scooter is easier if it is registered.
The Village offers FREE child safety seat checks, by appointment. Safety seat checks are conducted by certified child safety seat technicians of the Police and Fire Departments.
Residents can ride along on patrol with a police officer. Must be at least 16 years old to participate; Parent permission required for juveniles; Adults must sign a liability waiver.
This program gives parents the training to keep their kids safe from sexual predators on the internet and lessen the chances of their child becoming a victim.
A Neighborhood Watch is a group of people living in the same area who want to make their neighborhood safer by working with local law enforcement to reduce crime. Groups have regular meetings to plan how they will accomplish their specific goals.
Operation Lifesaver is a national organization dedicated to saving lives at rail crossings. The program focuses on safety around railroad tracks and trains and has lesson plans geared for all ages.
This service is for residents of any age who may have difficulty communicating and are at risk of becoming confused, disoriented, or lost. Police use the details provided for the purpose of identifying and locating an individual who is reported missing, found wandering or other emergency circumstances.
Safety Town is a nationally recognized safety education program for children ages 5-6. A mini town setting, complete with kid-sized buildings, street signs and sidewalks, provides an environment where children learn pedestrian, passenger and at-home safety.
A Crime Prevention officer will complete a security survey of your home or business using principles of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (C.P.T.E.D.): inspections of locks, windows, doors, security systems, lighting, and landscaping techniques to deter crime. This service is provided at no cost.
The Smart 911 service gives first responders access to medical information of occupants living in the household, as provided by the registered user. This information can help locate or save a life, even if the caller cannot speak.
Going out of town? Non-sworn police personnel will conduct a security check of your home while you are away to insure all doors and windows are secure. The service can be requested for up to four weeks at a time. Homes will be checked as time permits.